Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Finally! New Frogg Café!

Some of you are familiar with this great band.
For those that aren't, to borrow and paraphrase from Frank Zappa, check out..."the best band you haven't heard in your life."

FROGG CAFÉ Release “Bateless Edge” on 10T Records

Charleston, SC – June 1, 2010 (10T Records) – 10T Records is ecstatic to
announce the release of the brand new studio release by FROGG CAFÉ,
entitled “Bateless Edge.”  This will be the New York-based band’s fourth
studio release and will be officially released by 10T Records on July
2nd, 2010.
On “Bateless Edge,” Frogg Café consists of Bill Ayasse (violin,
mandolin, vocals, hand percussion), James Guarnieri (drums,
glockenspiel, orchestral percussion), Andrew Sussman (bass, cello,
acoustic guitar), Nick Lieto (lead vocals, keyboards, trumpet,
flugelhorn), John Lieto (trombone), and features the triumphant return
of co-founding member, Frank Camiola (guitar, string bass, banjo).
“Bateless Edge” is a stunning 78-minute statement, described by
bassist/composer Andrew Sussman as a "reflection on incidents revolving
around our own personal lives, as well as an integrated and newly formed
sound that takes this band into realms that have been unexplored until
now."  “Bateless Edge” sees Frogg Café fearlessly breaking new musical
ground while crafting some of the darkest and most intense musical
statements made thus far by this ever-evolving band.
In this elaborate journey, Frogg Café explores many new textures and
colors that add great dimension to the contemporary jazz-fusion sound
that is unmistakably their own.  The band incorporates for the first
time detailed orchestration akin to symphony music.  Clarinets,
mandolins, cellos, glockenspiels, bass clarinets, xylophones, string
quartets and many other instruments all integrate to create a soundscape
that will yield the listener infinite details on future listens.
Classical Indian influences also find their way into the mix, along with
new levels of intricate compositional complexity, including a track that
boasts a 28-page musical score consisting of roughly twenty-five
different instruments.
Many additional instrumentalists were recruited to record this latest
opus, including Andrew Sussman's father, Steve Sussman, on clarinet,
Cardboard Amanda member, Dee Harris, on Indian Slide guitar and
Tamboura, as well as fellow 10T artists, Vessela Stoyanova (Fluttr
Effect), and Steve Kastikas (Little Atlas).
“Frogg Café is very special to 10T Records,” says label president Steve
Carroll.  “They were one of the bands that were foundational to the
creation of 10T, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to be bringing this
release to the world.  It is quite simply the definitive creative
statement for a band that has consistently made a career out of being
among the best of the best.”
“Bateless Edge” is available for pre-order starting on June 1, 2010. 
All orders received between now and the official release date will ship
by the end of the week prior to the official release.
Additionally, everyone who pre-orders “Bateless Edge” will receive
exclusive FREE temporary access to download “On the LillyPadd,” a full
length digital album featuring the following previously unreleased Frogg
Café recordings:
1. A Brass Quartet piece called "Prelude" that was originally
recorded for Bateless Edge, but was cut due to time constraints. 
2. A 25-minute in the studio spaced-out Frogg jam called "At the
Table of the Leptons". 
3. Excerpts from a never-released live show from Orion Studios
recorded in Dec. 2006.  
The band feels that this was one of their best shows, and features never
been heard tracks.
All tracks from “Bateless Edge” are currently available to preview in
their entirety through the 10T Records website:
After July 2, “Bateless Edge” will be available through your favorite
retail outlet for immediate purchase.
For further information: Steve Carroll 10T Records www.10trecords.com

Posted via email from FZDolfan's Posterous

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