Thursday, June 18, 2009

(P)Review of 'The Incident'

Grabbed this from the Progressive Music Society Yahoo group.
Thanks to Geoff Kieffer for the "First Look."

Got to hear the new Porcupine Tree at an industry listening session this past Tuesday night... The new release consists of one long "song cycle" The Incident, which is made up of 14 songs, interludes, transitions... I suppose you could liken it to Marillions - Brave, or Yes -Close to the Edge, or Floyds the Wall or... any number of concept pieces, despite it not really being a specific concept piece.

Quite honestly it was a lot to absorb and I am not really certain what I made of it in one listen.. It was a bit overwhelming, however, the overall impression I got was that Steve's solo album, Insurgentes, had a pretty direct influence on his writing for this album and that the older albums like Signify, Stupid Dream, and Lighbulb Sun were more recognizable in the "pot" so to speak..

One song, Time Flies, is a wonderful homage to all things Floydian in that it liberally takes (but doesn't exactly plaugerize) from Dogs, Time, Sheep, and Run Like Hell during it's 11:40 run... Very memorable track !!!! There is a very diverse almost schizophrenic feel to the album and I have a feeling it is one that, while NOT immediate, will really grow on me and other PT fans... There is also a second disc, and ep if you will, that will be released in conjunction with the main album and it contains 4 tracks written as a band (vs. SW composition like the bulk of The Incident is) and we were treated to one song called Flicker that was actually very cool and very retro sounding...

Just thought I would share gang. The new PT will be out (in the US that is)on 9/21/09, through Road Runner Records.GK

Posted via email from FZDolfan's Posterous

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